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Philosophy of Flow


Philo Flumen Sophos

     Flow is all around; the change of things, as well as, the standing waves holding quasi stable form. With the love of wisdom, philosophy; we can actively inquire and observe these flow forms. As we identify them, their causes, behaviors, and outcomes; we can utilize analogous correlations to explore those flow forms mirrored within other structures. These correlations build our creational patterns, scientific structures, meditative spaces, life patterns, etc. From these patterns we can learn to Self interpret our reasons, patterns, and the beneficialness of these patterns. Learning to listen to our heart, mind, gut, body, soul, and your collective for congruence of your thoughts, emotions, and actions (TEA). The way that is in phase with you, cannot be learned from the outside; learning happens through Self experience. We can all co-share our experiences and tools of learning and creation; these will act as wave guides, to provide places of reflection to inwardly Self pounder and determine. 


The Philosophy of Flow is is a practice of flow to discover the the Self's Ideal Flow in-Phase with Pure Principals 




An Abstraction (A bit poetic)

Philosophy, the love of wisdom; is a doing, an act, a participation of it.


Love is an eternal calling for doing.


Of is a relation of its doing and quali.


Quali is its quality and quantity.


Wisdom is sustained utilizable information.


Information is obtained by the inquired attentive focused awareness upon unique differences, differentiated and sustained in a membrane of memory.


     Information can be utilized by cross referencing with other forms of info and the current informational flow. When formations are cross referenced force fields and density gradients can be organized to allow flow into attunement with an eased sense of resistance.


Flow, Flumen is the doing of it, the happening; the result of a difference in the force fields, density gradients, and a force gradient of resistance allowing for the relative experience of change for the love of it now.


Now a place where we recognize the eternal changing formations. 


What is flowing?


     It is.


What is it?

It, is; any thing and no thing, it is this and that, it is a simple yes for yes it is included in it. It is what is being pointed at, what it is not being pointed at, and it is doing the pointing. Is, is to be and it is to be doing flow.

What is is?

Is, is to be.

What is to?

To, is a little word for indicate with.

What is be? 

To exit, occur, and or show a characteristic of something.

Why is it flowing?


          It is flowing because of a polarized separation; focalizing unification through destructive turbulent dispersion and constructive laminar condensification 


Why is there a polarized separation? 

To reference Self

What is the Self?

Looping systems of paradoxical relationships; (still) in (flow).  A unique system within the same structure.

What are your Self's next Questions? 


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